Fur Trade Era: 1650s to 1850s | Short History of Wisconsin | Wisconsin Historical Society (2024)

Historical Essay

A Short History of Wisconsin

Explorers from France began arriving in Wisconsin in the early 1600s, followed by fur traders and missionaries. Indian hunters provided beaver pelts to the French traders who shipped the pelts to Montreal and then on to Europe. In return, the Indians would receive knives, beads, blankets and other goods. As fur trade economy flourished, the British lured the Indian suppliers away from the French. As these various groups interacted with Wisconsin’s Native peoples, change and conflict resulted.


Marquette and Joliet Exploring the Mississippi

Upper Mississippi River. Oil painting by Frank H. Zeitler, 1921. Museum Object 1982.448.1

First Europeans Explore Wisconsin

In 1622-1623, about the time the Pilgrims stepped onto Plymouth Rock, French explorer Etienne Brule (1592-1632) traveled the shores of Lake Superior. Brule left no firsthand record of his trip, however, so the distinction of "first European explorer" usually goes to Jean Nicolet (1598-1642). Nicolet landed at Red Banks, just north of the present-day University of Wisconsin-Green Bay campus, in 1634. There he encountered Ho-Chunk who had lived in the area for centuries.

Brule and Nicolet had both been sent west by Samuel de Champlain, the governor of New France (now Canada) to see if a water route to the Pacific Ocean existed. They didn't find one but they did find a very rich source of furs.

More than 20 years elapsed after Nicolet's landing in 1634 before the first fur traders finally appeared in Wisconsin. Wars among Iroquois Indian tribes in the eastern Great Lakes made it too dangerous for further European exploration in Wisconsin.


Iroquois Attack Enemies While Beaver Hunting, 1703

Outagamie Lake. First published in the atlas "Assorted Illustrations of North America." View the original source document on theAmerican Journeyswebsite.

Iroquois Wars Halts Exploration

The Iroquois Wars, or Beaver Wars, were a series of brutal conflicts in the 17th century involving the Five Nations Iroquois Confederacy (Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca), several other Iroquoian Indian groups, and the French. The Iroquois had grown dependent on European trade goods, particularly weapons. This dependency put pressure on the rich beaver fur producing areas as the Indians competed for furs, trade goods, and European favor.

With support and supplies from their English and Dutch trading partners, the Iroquois sought to expand their territory and to control the fur trade in the Great Lakes area. This created a conflict between the Iroquois and the French-backed tribes of the Great Lakes.

The Iroquois Wars kept the French centered on Montreal and Quebec as they built a string of forts to stop the Iroquois raids. Many Indians fled into the remote wilderness west of Lake Michigan to escape the Iroquois warriors.


Pierre-Esprit Radisson

National Archives of Canada, Canadiana Collection. Source: Library and Archives Canada

First Fur Traders and Missionaries

The first fur traders to come to Wisconsin were Pierre-Esprit Radisson (1636-1710) and his brother-in-law, Médard Chouart Des Groseilliers (1618-1684). Radisson and Groseilliers returned to Montreal not only with furs but with also news of a great river flowing south. This inspired many other explorers and traders to come to Wisconsin.

Missionaries also came to Wisconsin to introduce and convert Indians to Christianity. The first was Jesuit missionary Father René Menard (1605-1661).

French explorers first heard the name "Wisconsin" in a 1673 conversation with one of the Indian tribes. Historians have puzzled over its meaning for years, but the most authoritative study of the name concluded that it probably meant "River of Red Stone."

The missionaries' quest for souls and the traders' for furs brought white explorers into Wisconsin. Their motives were quite different, and though they worked closely at times, as when Jesuit priest Jacques Marquette (1637-1675) and fur trader Louis Joliet (1645-1700) teamed up to explore the Mississippi, the devotees of God and those of wealth gained from furs were destined for conflict.

By the early 1700s, missionary work proved no match for the financial rewards of the fur trade. The Jesuits, who opposed the excesses of the fur trade, were expelled, and French soldiers, who guarded the lucrative Wisconsin trade routes, held power until late in the century.

Fur Trade Era: 1650s to 1850s | Short History of Wisconsin | Wisconsin Historical Society (4)

Indian Spearing Beaver

North Red River, Winnipeg, Ontario, Canada. Watercolor painted by Peter Rindisbacher in 1821. View the original source document: WHI 3884

The Fur Trade Economy Flourishes

From 1650 to 1850, Wisconsin's economy revolved around fur in the way that today's economy revolves around oil. Because fur is waterproof, beaver skins could be pressed into felt for hats that kept people both warm and dry. From Moscow to Rome, the demand for beaver hats remained immense for more than 200 years. Anyone who could supply beaver pelts to cities in Europe could grow rich.

Merchants shipped anything that Indians would buy and then demanded beaver skins in return. Trade goods included metal knives, awls and kettles, steel flints for starting fires, guns and ammunition, alcohol (which, though officially prohibited, was steadily supplied through the black market), woolen blankets, and porcelain beads for jewelry.

Goods were shipped to regional warehouses in Michilimackinac (present-day Mackinac, Michigan, at the head of Lake Michigan), and then redistributed to smaller outposts such as Green Bay, Prairie du Chien and La Pointe.


Map of English and French Territories in North America, 1755

Created by Reinier and Joshua Ottens. View the original source document: WHI 42889

In autumn, traders would advance guns, ammunition and other supplies to Indian hunters, who would return in the spring to settle their accounts with beaver — a system that kept most Indians permanently in debt to French traders.

The traders would pack large canoes with thousands of pounds of pelts for the annual trip to Montreal. Beavers caught near present-day Milwaukee or Minocqua soon graced the heads of customers in Paris or London.

By the 1720s a chain of French trading posts arced across the interior from Montreal through the Great Lakes and down the Mississippi River past St. Louis to New Orleans. Troops stationed at these posts made sure that trade goods came in and beaver pelts went out with as little trouble as possible.

Wisconsin sat directly in the center of this arc, and was a major conduit for the wealth of the Mississippi Valley to flow toward Quebec. The river route from Prairie du Chien went up the Wisconsin River to Portage, and then down the Fox River to Green Bay via present-day Oshkosh, Neenah and Appleton. It was the interstate highway of the 17th and 18th centuries.


Charles de Langlade

Antigo, Wisconsin. Detail from Langlade County Historical Society Seal, designed by noted sculptor Sidney Bedore. Created June 1, 1933. View the original source document: WHI 3774

English and French Battle for Control of the Fur Trade

The interior fur trade was so profitable that the English tried to lure Indian suppliers away from the French. Between 1755 and 1763 the two sides fought battles from Pennsylvania to Quebec, deciding the fate of the continent.

In 1755 Wisconsin's first permanent white settler, Charles de Langlade (1729-1801), led Great Lakes warriors against the British (including a young officer named George Washington) on the site of present-day Pittsburgh. In the end, the French lost when Montreal fell to the British in 1760. Peace was declared in 1763, and English was spoken in "Ouisconsin" for the first time.

Under British domination (1760-1815), the Wisconsin fur trade was a major source of revenue. In 1767 a third of all Mackinac furs came through Green Bay. The trade thrived for two more generations as new outlets sprang up around Wisconsin. The first white settlement at Milwaukee, for example, was a tiny fur trade post started in 1795 by Jacques Vieau (1757-1852).


Betsy Thunder, 1913

Black River Falls, Wisconsin. Ho-Chunk (Winnebago) Medicine Woman. View the original source document: WHI 4492

Colonialism Transforms Indian Culture

By then a century of colonialism had transformed Indian life. Several Wisconsin tribes — such as the once-powerful Ho-Chunk and Meskwaki (Fox) — had been reduced to tiny fractions of their pre-contact populations. In nearly all Indian communities, material goods, gender roles, religious practice, daily tasks and social structure had all changed. Stable agricultural communities that had for hundreds of years engaged only in seasonal hunting broke apart, as full-time hunters wandered far and wide pursuing beaver. Indian women, the elderly, and children clustered around trading posts, where they caught European diseases and were often exploited. A "metis" class of mixed-race offspring blurred the lines between French and Indian families.

Over-Hunting Ends the Fur Trade Era

But by 1830 over-hunting had nearly exterminated fur-bearing mammals in Wisconsin. The trade shifted farther west and north. By 1850 traders shipped most furs by sea either from Hudson Bay to London or from Oregon to New York. Wisconsin's fur trade era was over.

Learn More

  • Read more about explorers Marquette and Joliet
    Essay describes how Father Marquette and Louis Joliet traveled more than 4,000 miles into the North American interior, crossing Wisconsin in the summer of 1673
  • Read about Ho-poe-kaw
    Essay on Ho-poe-kaw (Glory of the Morning), an 18th-century Ho-Chunk chief and the first woman described in the written record of Wisconsin history
  • Read more essays on 'A Short History of Wisconsin'
    Browse these history essays to take a quick tour through major events in Wisconsin history, from prehistoric times to the 20th century.
Fur Trade Era: 1650s to 1850s | Short History of Wisconsin | Wisconsin Historical Society (2024)


What is the history of the fur trade in Wisconsin? ›

Wisconsin's fur trade originated in the second half of the seventeenth century when the French exchanged various small but useful items for peltry and foodstuffs from indigenous men and women. By the mid-1700s, fur trading had become a fixture of white-Indian interactions in New France.

What was the significance of the fur trade in the 1600s? ›

The fur trade contributed to the development of British and French empires in North America. During the 1600's, the prospect of wealth from the fur trade attracted many Europeans to the New World. Traders and trappers explored much of North America in search of fur.

What was the major industry in Wisconsin in the 1600s? ›

From 1650 to 1850, Wisconsin's economy revolved around fur in the way that today's economy revolves around oil.

What happened during the fur trade? ›

The fur trade started because of a fashion craze in Europe during the 17th century. Europeans wanted to wear felt hats made of beaver fur. The most important players in the early fur trade were Indigenous peoples and the French. The French gave European goods to Indigenous people in exchange for beaver pelts.

Why was the fur trade banned? ›

Humane alternatives exist.

Consumers growing concern about the animal cruelty and environmental destruction caused by the fur industry is leading to fur-free policies by some of the biggest names in fashion and bans on fur sales, imports and production by cities, states and countries across the globe.

What colony was known for fur trade? ›

New France in the 17th century. The transition from a seasonal coastal trade into a permanent interior fur trade was formally marked with the foundation of Quebec on the Saint Lawrence River in 1608 by Samuel de Champlain, officially establishing the settlement of New France.

What was the most important animal in the fur trade? ›

Beaver pelts were in the greatest demand, but other animals such as mink, muskrat, fox and sable marten were also trapped. In the 1830s, when beaver lost its value as a staple fur, HBC maintained a profitable trade emphasizing fancy fur. Although the fur trade continues today, HBC is no longer in the fur business.

What are three fun facts about the fur trade? ›

The North American fur trade started when native people of Newfoundland encountered European fishermen and traded pelts for iron tools. The Hudson's Bay Company was the largest fur company and run by the British. In Europe, felt hats were sought after and were made by combining beaver and rabbit wool.

Was the fur trade good or bad? ›

While some positives came out of the fur trade for the Indigenous population, Europeans brought many bad things as well. These included guns, diseases, and alcohol. However, the most devastating result of the fur trade was the colonization of Indigenous lands by European settlers.

What was Wisconsin like in 1850? ›

Wisconsin territory

Wisconsin's population had reached 305,000 by 1850. Newcomers were pri- marily migrants from New York and New England, or immigrants from England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, and Scandinavia.

What are 3 historical facts about Wisconsin? ›

Jean Nicolet (1598-1642) was the first European to see Wisconsin and was a prominent French explorer.
  • In 1673, explorer Father Jacques Marquette wrote, "The river on which we embarked is called Meskousing. ...
  • In 1763, Wisconsin was part of the territory ceded by France to Great Britain in the Treaty of Paris.

What is the history of mining in Wisconsin? ›

Nonferrous metallic mining has occurred in Wisconsin since the time of the Copper Culture about 2,000-5,000 years ago. Mining for metals such as copper, lead and zinc shaped the history of several regions of Wisconsin and played a major role in the development of Wisconsin as a state.

What killed the fur trade? ›

In the 1830s silk was introduced to England, lowering the demand for and price of beaver fur. Combined with over-trapping, this lowered demand greatly changed the the fur trade and the relationships between traders and Native Americans. By the 1870s, fur trading had mostly died out.

Was there slavery during the fur trade? ›

Because the fur trade was another major source of wealth, it included people who participated in the enslavement of others. Sometimes, fur traders themselves were enslavers. Some Black fur traders had been slaves, bought, for example, from trading posts with connections to slavery.

What were the problems with fur trade? ›

The local impact of fur farms leads to the degradation of land, rural life, property values and economic activities. Plus, waste runoff seeps into soil and waterways, causing severe damage to local ecosystems.

What is the history of trapping in Wisconsin? ›

Trapping's rich history in Wisconsin dates back to the 1600s, when Native American hunters exchanged beaver pelts with French traders for knives, beads, blankets and more. Today, it is highly regulated, with particular season dates and deadlines for most species. Specific techniques and practices are required by law.

Which Wisconsin city was founded in 1795 as a trading post? ›

The Jambo Creek post was one of several outposts established by the French Canadian trader along the western shore of Lake Michigan in 1795. Others were located at Kewaunee, Manitowoc Rapids, Sheboygan and Milwaukee, which became his headquarters.

What animal started the fur trade? ›

Muskrat pelts were traded along with beaver at the start of the fur trade. They were used for coats, hats, and gloves. In the late 19th century, the number of muskrat pelts traded surpassed beaver pelts.

Why did Native Americans trade fur? ›

Both sides in these trades were shrewd; the American Indians hunted furs easily and, in return, acquired items they wanted, while the Europeans thought the Indians accepted trifles for furs that fetched high prices in Europe. The trade helped shape their relationships over the next two centuries.

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