July's Full Moon in Capricorn Could Evoke Major Twists & Turns in Your Life (2024)

Mark my words—this full moon will be unlike anything you’ve ever seen. It’s not often that you get to experience two consecutive full moons in the same zodiac sign. Among the other significant 2024 astrological transits, the second full moon in Capricorn—a.k.a. the “Buck Moon”—will be a sight to behold. What can you expect from this monumental full moon in Capricorn, based on your zodiac sign?

Full moons represent different cycles in nature. This particular full moon is hailed as the “Buck Moon”, because bucks shed their antlers and grow new ones around this time of year. Likewise, you may also undergo a period of regeneration and renewal during the Buck Moon. The Buck Moon is like a checkpoint for how much you have transformed throughout the year thus far. Additionally, the symbolism of the Buck Moon could inspire your lunar ritual. Antlers, deer figurines, and even deer bones could be incorporated into your lunar magics.

On July 21, the full moon in Capricorn will glow at 6:17 a.m. ET, which will occur at 29 degrees. Usually, full moons represent the completion of a six-month cycle, but this full moon is extra special. Think back to what happened during the first full moon in Capricorn on June 21, 2024. Whatever came up then will return for a final review during this second full moon in Capricorn. You have a second chance to react differently to the end of a cycle. Choose wisely, so that you don’t regret anything you did or didn’t do between these two full moons.

Not only is the second full moon in Capricorn, but it’s also occurring at 29 degrees, which is a critical degree in astrology. Critical degrees are known as “anaretic degrees”, suggesting that the final degree is a “degree of fate”. The anaretic degree marks the true end of an era, so its energy may feel like running the last mile in a marathon. You know there’s an end in sight, but it will take all of your strength to complete the cycle. There will be an overwhelming sense of urgency to complete, do, or act on something during this lunation.

A polarizing energy will unfold, as the full moon in Capricorn opposes the sun in Cancer. Both heavenly bodies will be at the anaretic degree, so there will be a pressing matter to take care of. You could release your emotional inhibitions. Emotional vulnerability could be your greatest due diligence. There might be a chance to restructure part of your life based on your feelings as well. Regardless, look toward the future instead of the past.

The second full moon in Capricorn rises at 29 degrees, taking place on July 21 at 6:17 a.m. ET.

Embrace the changes as they come, since Mars in Taurus and Uranus in Taurus will harmonize with the full moon in Capricorn. An unexpected plot twist may occur as your cycle comes full circle. Although there’s some unpredictability, you can handle it with grace and tenacity. Your action-oriented mindset will help you appraise each challenge.

Dream big when the full moon in Capricorn dances with Neptune retrograde in Pisces. You can actualize your hopes and wishes without feeling overly fanciful. The foundation for your dreams can be set, allowing it to become a real possibility. It might even be easier to see how your hopes could materialize. However, be realistic about what it may take to make your wishes come true.

How the full moon in Capricorn will affect each zodiac sign

Here’s what you can expect from second and final upcoming full moon in Capricorn, according to your sun sun sign, moon sign, or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):

  • Aries

    July's Full Moon in Capricorn Could Evoke Major Twists & Turns in Your Life (3)

    If you could be known for anything, what would it be, Aries? Your life’s work will be called into question, as the full moon in Capricorn emphasizes your tenth house of status and accomplishment. You may have developed deep desire to leave your mark on this world since the new moon in Capricorn took place six months ago. Chances are, you want to be remembered for your incredible professional accomplishments or personal feats. And if you’ve worked hard, you’ll achieved something noteworthy by this lunation. If not, take this as your sign to do something about it, as your legacy is on the line. Read your full July monthly horoscope here.

  • Taurus

    July's Full Moon in Capricorn Could Evoke Major Twists & Turns in Your Life (4)

    Are you experiencing growing pains, Taurus? When the full moon in Capricorn calls attention to your ninth house of spiritual journeys, you should reflect on how much you have grown over the past six months. You could have gone on an Eat, Pray, Love type of adventure to find yourself. A teacher may have come in to help you navigate this current chapter of your life. Better yet, you could have taken a class that may have changed your worldview. Find the silver lining and spiritual lessons in all of your recent experiences as you reflect on how much you have grown during this cycle. Read your full July monthly horoscope here.

  • Gemini

    July's Full Moon in Capricorn Could Evoke Major Twists & Turns in Your Life (5)

    Reflect on whether or not something enhances your quality of life, Gemini. The full moon in Capricorn is here to remind you that life is too short and too precious to waste. The lunar glow will illuminate your eighth house of death, debt, and assets. Consider who and what you have invested in over the last six months. Maybe it was a connection, or perhaps a financial opportunity. Hopefully, your investment has yielded something positive. If not, you may want to regroup by pulling back your time, energy, and resources. Only invest in opportunities and individuals that will improve your life.Read your full July monthly horoscope here.

  • Cancer

    July's Full Moon in Capricorn Could Evoke Major Twists & Turns in Your Life (6)

    Commitment is a massive responsibility, Cancer. Your relationships, duties, and obligations have consumed your life these past six months. More responsibility may have been thrust upon you. Working relationships might have counted on you more to pull long hours and fulfill more commitments outside your usual workload. Personal connections and priorities would have also demanded your attention. Reflect on the arrangements you want to maintain, because the full moon in Capricorn will complete a cycle in your seventh house of commitments. You should know where you stand. Just keep in mind that anything you maintain will require long-term care. Read your full July monthly horoscope here.

  • Leo

    July's Full Moon in Capricorn Could Evoke Major Twists & Turns in Your Life (7)

    How has your life improved these past six months, Leo? So many things may have changed. Your health could have improved if you took better care of your mind and body. A better diet, regular exercise, journaling, and more could have become part of your daily life. Work might have been your primary concern, if you had set the intention to take your job more seriously. As the full moon in Capricorn culminates in your sixth house of work and routine, think about what you want to instill in your daily life. Some of your new practices and habits are worth keeping. Read your full July monthly horoscope here.

  • Virgo

    July's Full Moon in Capricorn Could Evoke Major Twists & Turns in Your Life (8)

    Happiness doesn’t have to be fleeting, Virgo. Reflect on what has brought a smile to your face over the last six months. Your love life may have grown, perhaps leading to a sweet and sexually fulfilling relationship. New and old hobbies could have been introduced into your schedule. Think about what you can take away, as the full moon in Capricorn closes this exciting cycle in your fifth house of pleasure and joy. Although the cycle will end, the fun doesn’t have to. Make it a habit to pursue relationships, sexual conquests, and pastimes that fill your heart. Read your full July monthly horoscope here.

  • Libra

    July's Full Moon in Capricorn Could Evoke Major Twists & Turns in Your Life (9)

    As Gordon B. Hinckley once said, “You can’t build a great building on a weak foundation.” Libra, it’s time to solidify your foundation, because the full moon in Capricorn will mobilize your fourth house of home and family. Personal matters will surface. It could be the perfect time to reflect on what family means to you. Be it biological or chosen, your family will contribute to your foundation. Additionally, where and how you live will be instrumental. If this lunar cycle has taught you anything, it is to create a stable and comfortable life built upon a sturdy foundation. Read your full July monthly horoscope here.

  • Scorpio

    July's Full Moon in Capricorn Could Evoke Major Twists & Turns in Your Life (10)

    Is there something you need to say, Scorpio? Better late than never, because the full moon in Capricorn will call upon your third house of communication. Usually, you aren’t so direct with your thoughts and feelings. But the pressurized lunar energy will ignite a fervor in you. You may feel like it is now or never to speak your truth. Given that this could lead to a significant conversation, you should carefully consider your tone, turf, and timing. After all, this could be the last time you have a chance like this to share what’s on your heart and mind. Read your full July monthly horoscope here.

  • Sagittarius

    July's Full Moon in Capricorn Could Evoke Major Twists & Turns in Your Life (11)

    Financial fortitude will have to come first, Sagittarius. Check your bank account, because the full moon in Capricorn will hit your second house of personal wealth. Depending on your actions, these last six months could have influenced your financial trajectory. You could have made significant changes to stabilize your income. Pursuing side hustles, following a budget, and tracking your spending could have improve your financial security. But if you shirked your financial responsibilities, then the full moon will make it apparent. Regardless, this full moon is your wake-up call. See this as your sign to focus on your financial responsibilities. Read your full July monthly horoscope here.

  • Capricorn

    July's Full Moon in Capricorn Could Evoke Major Twists & Turns in Your Life (12)

    What do you love about the person you have become, Capricorn? The full moon in Capricorn will ask you to ponder the changes that have taken place in your first house of identity and appearance. Your musings will reveal how much you have changed. It might be simple, like incorporating new styles with your clothing, hair, and accessories. A dramatic change may have also taken place, like doing a big chop or practicing radical self-acceptance. As the full moon culminates, let go of anything holding you back from your highest self. Embrace the person you see yourself as without fear of rejection and judgment. Read your full July monthly horoscope here.

  • Aquarius

    July's Full Moon in Capricorn Could Evoke Major Twists & Turns in Your Life (13)

    Free yourself from the prison of your own making, Aquarius. The last six months have been mentally, spiritually, and emotionally enduring. Privately working on yourself is no easy task, especially since this can make the process of healing and growing that much harder. Take the full moon in Capricorn as your sign that your quiet self-work has paid off. Your twelfth house of the subconscious will shine under the lunar beams. Get through your final hour of self-undoing. Confront whatever lingers in the farthest corners of your mind and soul. You will be all the better because of it by the time the full moon is over. Read your full July monthly horoscope here.

  • Pisces

    July's Full Moon in Capricorn Could Evoke Major Twists & Turns in Your Life (14)

    Who will stand the test of time, Pisces? Consider how your friendships and groups have changed, since the full moon in Capricorn will highlight your eleventh house of community. People have shown you their true colors and intentions these last six months. Your connections have expressed how they feel about your relationship through their actions and words. Some may have shown up when you needed a friend. Others may have fallen off the face of the world. The connections that have shown maturity, wisdom, and kindness should be the ones to stay. Release any so-called friends who feel like a chore.

July's Full Moon in Capricorn Could Evoke Major Twists & Turns in Your Life (2024)


How does the full moon affect Capricorn? ›

The full Moon in Capricorn is a time to go within and understand your core essence. It's a time to commit to finding your purpose and shedding anything that distracts you, including your emotions.

What signs are in the Capricorn full moon in 2024? ›

On July 21, 2024, in Capricorn, it impacts zodiac signs: Aries health, Taurus celebrations, Gemini success, Cancer relaxation, Leo romance, Virgo focus, Libra alignment, Scorpio balance, Sagittarius authenticity, Capricorn spirituality, Aquarius new experiences, and Pisces planning.

What does the moon in Capricorn influence? ›

Capricorn's influence reminds you of your authenticity, your resilience, and your self-reliance. It shows you that you are safe to place your trust in your intuition. However, this requires rest and nurturing. Take this time for self-care, allowing it to help you understand and interpret your emotions.

What is the energy of the July full moon? ›

Whilst in Native American culture, it serves as a reminder to reconnect with nature and honor the cycles of life. The energy of this moon encourages setting intentions, nurturing new ideas, and focusing on personal goals. Additionally, the Buck Moon is associated with fertility, abundance, and manifestation.

What is Capricorn moon downside? ›

One of the main challenges Capricorn Moons face is balancing their ambition with their emotional needs. Their focus on achievement can sometimes lead to neglecting their emotional well-being. Learning to value and express their emotions as much as their achievements is essential for their development journey.

What is the deepest desire of a Capricorn moon? ›

If you have a Capricorn moon, your emotional world is characterized by discipline, responsibility, and a desire for achievement. You process feelings through a pragmatic lens, often focusing on long-term goals and stability.

What will happen to Capricorn in 2024? ›

Be open towards exploring new aspects of your personality and embracing growth in 2024. In fact, Saturn can make you step out of your comfort zone and try something new. You will explore new hobbies, follow a different approach to romance, or plan adventurous trips with your companion.

What does the full moon mean in July 2024 spiritually? ›

This full moon encourages us to focus on practical matters, set long-term goals, and work diligently towards achieving them. It's a time to assess what we've built and to make necessary adjustments.

What degree is Capricorn full moon July? ›

And on July 21st, 2024, at 6:16 AM Eastern Time, the Full Buck Moon will rise in Capricorn at 29 degrees, representing the end of a cycle. Buck Moons signify a time for regeneration and renewal. You can make the best of this Full Moon by remembering that you are in the driver's seat of your life.

Where do Capricorn females like to be touched? ›

Capricorns are the ones who appreciate a good foundation and at their worst, can be inflexible. This is why they are associated with the knees and skeletal system. They love any kind of leg action: soft touches along the calves, love bites on the thighs, sensual licks across the knees, legs on shoulders

What is the energy of the Capricorn moon? ›

Capricorn moons enjoy stability and living in an ordered reality, which motivates them to use their time and resources in sensible ways. While very intelligent, Capricorn moon signs won't spend a lot of time ruminating over ideas.

What is the profession of a Capricorn moon? ›

Fields such as agriculture, mining, metallurgy, engineering, geology, tour and travel, banking, construction, and designing could be the best professions for the natives of the Capricorn moon sign.

What does a full moon in Capricorn mean? ›

On July 21, the full moon in Capricorn will shine a light on the emotions, projects, and dreams you've been putting on hold. by Cole Prots. July 15, 2024. Collage by Ashley Peña. Another lunar cycle has come and gone—and on July 21, we'll be faced with a beautiful full moon.

What is July's full moon called? ›

July full moon names

July's full moon is known as the Buck Moon because it coincides with the time of year when deer antlers are in full growth.

What is full moon energy spiritual? ›

Understanding the Full Moon's Energy

As the moon reaches its fullest potential, its energy intensifies, and so does ours. Our emotions may amplify, and our desires become clearer. This heightened energetic state opens up a window of opportunity for us to manifest our deepest intentions and aspirations.

What does a full moon do to a woman? ›

Some people believe that the moon affects the menstrual cycle. Research on this point has reached mixed or weak conclusions. A 2021 analysis reports that, in a previous study of more than 300 females, there was a correlation between the full moon and the beginning of the menstrual period.

Is the moon in Capricorn in its detriment? ›

When the Moon is in detriment in Capricorn, there may be a tendency to restrain and control emotions. The individual might find it challenging to express their feelings openly and may prefer a more reserved and composed approach. Difficulty in Nurturing Expressions: The Moon represents nurturing and caregiving.

Why is Capricorn moon the hardest placement? ›

Capricorn Moon Sign or 10th / 22nd Degree Moon Signs

Individuals with these placements often face the weight of early responsibilities and strain on their emotional lives. Growing up, they may have felt like they had to mature faster than their peers.

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