Aeroccino3 Milk Frother Whisk | Nespresso™ SG (2024)




You qualify for free delivery*!*For orders above $70

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    Elevate your coffee experience with our stylish coffee accessories that best complement your coffee preference. A good cup of coffee is best enjoyed in a top-quality, custom-designed coffee cup, and travel mug, or coffee tumbler. It should contain your cup of coffee with accuracy and precision, to ensure your coffee is comfortable to hold and retains at the perfect temperature. Add a touch of sophistication to your coffee moments with Nespresso cappuccino cups or espresso cups and elevate the experience with Nespresso coffee spoons.

    Display your coffee pods in style with an elegant coffee capsule dispenser and capsule holders that provides easy and convenient access to your favourite coffee whenever you fancy a caffeine hit.


    Our ultra-simple milk frother prepares light and creamy frothed milk (either hot or cold) with just one touch, adding smoothness and sweetness to your coffee, create café-style cappuccinos, latte macchiatos or flat whites easily at home.

    Nespresso coffee machine parts and accessories are made to last. However, if you find yourself wanting to upgrade or find a replacement part, browse through our selection of coffee machine water tanks, milk containers, milk frother lids, and coffee machine nozzles. Maintenance of your Nespresso coffee machine is made easier with our coffee machine descaler. Keep your coffee machine running at optimal level by descaling regularly to prevent lime scale build-up.

    Whatever style of Nespresso coffee you enjoy, there is always a coffee accessory to complement your routine and enrich your experience.


    Running out of coffee capsules? Top up with what other coffee lovers enjoy the most. Our best Nespresso capsules are curated and packed in a 50-capsules assortment. If you enjoy milk coffee, you can choose our best Nespresso capsules for latte which will allow you to discover new coffee experiences when enjoyed with milk.


    Vertuo coffee accessories collection take inspiration from the dome, rounded shape of the NespressoVertuo capsule, you can enjoy your coffee experience in an espresso or larger coffee cup size.Vertuo travel mugsand capsule holders are also the perfect addition to elevate your every day coffee moments. Discover the fullVertuo accessory rangetoday.


    Purchase this Barista Iced Indulgent Bundle which includes Barista Recipe Maker (worth SGD 348.00) and receive complimentary coffee and accessories (worth SGD 94.00)
    *Offer is valid from 14 July 2020 to 1 September 2020, or while stocks last.

    Aeroccino3 Milk Frother Whisk | Nespresso™ SG (1)



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    Aeroccino3 Milk Frother Whisk | Nespresso™ SG (3)


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    *T&C apply

    Aeroccino3 Milk Frother Whisk | Nespresso™ SG (11)





    Promotion excludes welcome offer assortments and subscription plans.

    Terms and Conditions

    By taking part in this Promotion, all persons participating herein (“Participants”) agree to be bound by these Promotion Terms and Conditions.

    1. By taking part in this Promotion, all persons participating herein (“Participants”) agree to be bound by these Promotion Terms and Conditions.

      The above offer is valid from 17 November 2022 to 4 January 2023 (both dates inclusive), or while stock last.

      Qualifying retail outlets refer to all Nespresso Boutiques in Singapore (Raffles City #01-16, ION Orchard #B1-34, Takashimaya D.S. B1, Vivocity Level 1 Unit 204-206), Nespresso website, Nespresso App or by contacting Nespresso Singapore 800 852 3525 (Toll-free) as determined by Nespresso Singapore at its sole discretion. For any queries, please contact Nespresso Singapore at 800 852 3525 (Toll-free).

    2. Eligibility:

      This promotion is open to all customers in Singapore when he/she purchases the qualifying Nespresso products from any of the qualifying retail outlets during the Promotional Period from 17 November 2022 to 4 January 2023 (both dates inclusive).

      By participating in the Promotion, you represent and warrant that you have met the eligibility criteria set out under these Promotion Terms and Conditions and that you consent to the use by Nespresso Singapore of your personal information for feedback, promotional and marketing purposes.

    3. Promotion mechanics:

      Promotion excludes subscription plans.

      Promotion is valid only at Nespresso Boutiques (Raffles City #01-16, ION Orchard #B1-34, Takashimaya D.S. B1, Vivocity Level 1 Unit 204-206), Nespresso website at, Nespresso App or Nespresso toll-free 800 852 3525 from 17 November 2022 to 4 January 2023 (both dates inclusive) during store opening hours, as determined by Nespresso Singapore at its sole discretion, or by contacting Nespresso Singapore 800 852 3525 (Toll-free). Delivery of goods will only be made in Singapore.

      • This Promotion cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional programs, offers, discount cards, vouchers or VIP privileges.
      • Participants are not limited to the number of qualifying machine purchases for this Promotion.

      By entering into this Promotion, each participant agrees that Nespresso Singapore, its respective affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising and promotions agencies, and their respective officers, directors, and employees (the “Relevant Organisers”) shall not be liable for death, injury, loss, claims or damage of any kind arising out of or in connection with this Promotion, to the extent that the above is not caused by the gross negligence of the Relevant Organisers. Each participant agrees to waive and release the Relevant Organisers from the above-mentioned claims and liabilities.

    4. To the maximum extent permitted by law, each participant and anyone entitled or agreed to act on his/her behalf, agrees to indemnify each of the Relevant Organisers from any losses, damages, costs, expenses, claims or liabilities of any kind arising in connection with my participation in the Promotion.

      The participants agree, on an opt-in basis, that Nespresso Singapore may use information furnished on the registration form to carry out any verification, promotional or marketing activities which Nespresso Singapore believes may be of interest to the participant. This includes sending out communication and promotional materials to the participants relating to any products manufactured, marketed or sold by Nespresso Singapore and its affiliates. Such information may be accessed, stored or otherwise processed in any medium or format determined by Nespresso Singapore, and may be transmitted across national borders for storage and processing by Nespresso Singapore or its service providers. Nespresso Singapore may share any personal data of the participants to its affiliated companies for the purposes stated above. In the event that any participant requires access to his or her personal data or any amendment or correction to be made, please contact Nespresso Singapore at 800 852 3525. You agree that an administrative charge may be payable for such access, amendment or correction. All personal information collected in connection with this Promotion will be subject to Nestlé Singapore’s Privacy Policy available at Nestlé Singapore’s website

    5. Nespresso Singapore may at its sole discretion modify these terms and conditions, make prize substitutions or cancel this Promotion without prior notice to any person. Any vouchers awarded or accepted shall be given out on an “as it is” basis and is not exchangeable or returnable. The vouchers may be subject to additional terms and conditions, and the participant agrees to comply with all terms and conditions applicable to the vouchers.
    6. Nespresso Singapore is not responsible or liable for delayed, lost, stolen, incomplete, late or misdirected entries, submissions, or vouchers, caused by any reason whatsoever, including but not limited to service delays, interruptions, failures or overloads, telephone lines, and/or postal/internet services. Vouchers lost, damaged or stolen will not be replaced.
    7. Nespresso Singapore reserves the right to vary or modify these Terms and Conditions, or disqualify any participant, in such manner as Nespresso Singapore deems fit, without giving notice or reason, and without any liability to the such participant.
    8. Subject to any government approval which may be required, Nespresso Singapore reserves the right, without prior notice and at any time to terminate or cancel the Promotion, in whole or in part, or modify the Promotion in any way, without liability to any person. If any part of these terms and conditions is held to be unenforceable or illegal, such illegal or unenforceable part shall be severed from the terms and conditions without affecting the validity of the remainder thereof.
    9. This Promotion and the terms of use and all matters arising there from are governed by Singapore law and each participant agrees to submit any claim, dispute or controversy to the exclusive jurisdiction of Singapore courts.
    Aeroccino3 Milk Frother Whisk | Nespresso™ SG (2024)
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    Article information

    Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5976

    Rating: 5 / 5 (70 voted)

    Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

    Birthday: 2000-07-07

    Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

    Phone: +2556892639372

    Job: Investor Mining Engineer

    Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

    Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.