A spinoff of “Adventure Time,” which ran on Cartoon Network from 2010 to 2018, the series follows Fionna (Madeleine Martin) and her sidekick, Cake (Roz Ryan), who find themselves in the crosshairs of a powerful new foe, leaving them with no choice but to seek the help of Simon Petrikov, the former Ice King (Tom Kenny).
Is Fionna and Cake for kids? ›
Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake is an American adult animated television series developed by Adam Muto, based on the Cartoon Network series Adventure Time, which was created by Pendleton Ward. Unlike the original series, the show is made for an adult audience.
How old is Fionna Adventure Time? ›
Lumpy Space Princess' version of Fionna is an "adolescent" (meaning between the of ages of 13-19) according to the song Lumpy Space Prince sings.
How well did Fiona and Cake do? ›
Audience Reviews
Did everything the original series did and even better whilst being its own thing tying perfectly into the amazing lore. Cant wait for Season 2. Adventure Time > Fionna and Cake > Distant Lands It's an improvement. Great show!
Is Fiona and Cake season 2 confirmed? ›
Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake Season 2: Renewal
In a surprising turn, Deadline reported Fionna & Cake's renewal for a second season in December 2023.
Why is Jake not in Fiona and Cake? ›
Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake suggests that Jake, the beloved character from the original series, has died, implying a sad and tragic fate. The spinoff series is set in the future, with Finn as an adult, making it logical for Jake, as a dog, to pass away by that time.
Why is Fiona and Cake 14+? ›
Overall, the TV-14 rating for this show feels undeserved and a marketing move, as the only difference in content compared to the original PG-rated show is more frequent blood, alcohol use and mild swears ("ass" and "goddamn" are the strongest ones), which are allowed in TV-PG programming (the exception may be ep 2 ...
Is Fionna Finn's sister? ›
Finn. Finn is Fionna's long-lost twin brother. Fionna was kidnapped at birth by thugs who had it out for Martin shortly after she and Finn were born, and Martin and Minerva's memory of her was erased by the thugs, leading them to believe Finn was an only child.
Why is Fiona and Cake for adults? ›
Its main characters are versions of the original's Finn and Jake. The characters are older and more mature, and the story being told is too: Fionna is an adult in a non-magical world, though her adventures gradually bring her more in contact with a Land of Ooo-like surreal existence.
How old is Finn in s1? ›
He is 12 years old at the beginning of the series but ages throughout the show and is 17 by the series finale.
Fionna Campbell, also called Fionna the Human, is a fictional character from the Adventure Time franchise. She was first introduced in the Adventure Time episode "Fionna and Cake" as a genderbent version of the show's lead character Finn the Human.
Is Finn an adult now? ›
Finn, also known as Finn the Human, reappears in the spin-off series Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake, where he is depicted as an adult adventurer.
Is Fiona and Cake set in Ooo? ›
His magic leads to the opening of an icy, glittering portal in the human realm, which transports Fionna and Cake into the magical dimension of Ooo, where the three travel together across multiverses to cope with his loss.
What does Fiona do with her pregnancy? ›
Fiona tries to convince her to have an abortion, and it turns out Fiona is also pregnant. Debbie decides to carry the pregnancy to term while Fiona has an abortion. Frank discloses that Debbie and Fiona's mom had one abortion.
When did Fiona get pregnant? ›
Fiona, upon becoming pregnant by Craig Garland in Episode 208, told Veronica that she was the only girl in her school year who didn't become pregnant before receiving her GCSE's.
Is Fionna and Cake an alternate universe? ›
Fionna-world is an alternate reality of the Land of Ooo where everyone is gender-swapped. Originally Fionna, Cake and everyone who was gender-swapped were thought to merely be fictional characters in Ice King's fan fictions.
Do you need to watch Adventure Time before Fiona and Cake? ›
Normally it would make sense to watch the original show, however, someone could possibly get away with not watching “Adventure Time.” The show does give brief overviews of the events going on in the world but not enough to completely understand what is going on.
How do Fiona and Cake fit into Adventure Time? ›
Fionna and Cake is a spinoff of Adventure Time that follows gender-swapped versions of Finn and Jake, as well as Simon Petrikov. The spinoff takes place after the original Adventure Time series, as indicated by the appearance of adult Finn.
Are Finn and Fionna the same person? ›
Fionna (previously spelled Fiona and also known as Fionna the Human) is a fictional character and the gender-swapped version of Finn who was created by the Ice King in his fanfiction. She was created by series character designer Natasha Allegri in a series of web comics and drawings.